Icosahedral prism

Icosahedral prism

Schlegel diagram
Only one icosahedral cell shown
Type Prismatic uniform polychoron
Uniform index 59
Schläfli symbol {3,5}x{}

Cells 2 (
20 (3.4.4)
Faces 30 {4}
40 {3}
Edges 72
Vertices 24
Vertex configuration Regular-pentagonal pyramid
Symmetry group [5,3,2], order 240
[3+,4,2], order 48
[(3,3)+,2], order 24
Properties convex

In geometry, an icosahedral prism is a convex uniform polychoron (four dimensional polytope). This polychoron has 22 polyhedral cells: 2 icosahedra connected by 20 triangular prisms. It has 70 faces: 30 squares and 40 triangles. It has 72 edges and 24 vertices.

It can be constructed by creating two coinciding icosahedra in 3-space, and translating each copy in opposite perpendicular directions in 4-space until their separation equals their edge length.

Alternative names:

  1. Icosahedral dyadic prism Norman W. Johnson
  2. Ipe (for icosahedral prism) Jonathan Bowers
  3. Icosahedral hyperprism
  4. Snub tetrahedral prism
  5. Snub tetrahedral hyperprism

It is one of 18 convex uniform polyhedral prisms created by using uniform prisms to connect pairs of parallel Platonic solids or Archimedean solids.

External links